Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ten Skin-Saving Tips for a Long, Cold Winter (Part 2)

6. Take Oil-Infused Baths Instead of Hot Showers: This may not be practical advice for rushed mornings when you're on your way to work, but a soak in a warm bath amply infused with sweet almond or jojoba oil is a soothing and skin-nourishing way to end the day. Add an essential oil such as lavender or ylang ylang for an even more relaxing treat (Note: Essential oils should always be diluted with a base oil such as sweet almond or jojoba to avoid irritating the skin).

7. Don't Skip the Sunblock: Just because the sun isn't shining as bright or as often as it did during the summer doesn't mean it won't still burn (and prematurely age) your skin. Applying protection, preferably SPF 25 or higher, should be a part of your daily skin care routine all year long. Remember to apply to all parts of your body that will be exposed during the day: face, arms, neck, etc.

8. Wear Natural-Fiber Clothing: Synthetic fabrics and wool can be very irritating to dry skin, so opt for soft cotton clothing instead. If you need to wear wool to keep warm, wear a long-sleeved cotton shirt or turtleneck underneath to provide a "buffer zone."

9. Stop Licking Your Lips: We've all been guilty of this assault on our kissers: When our lips feel dry, we lick them. Of course, this only leaves them more chapped. Keep a tube or jar of lip balm with you at all times, and apply every time you get the temptation to lick those dry lips. In a pinch, you can also apply the balm to chapped hands and irritated, over-blown noses.

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