Monday, April 20, 2009

Cleansing Tips

  1. Do not use soap on your face. Your skin has a PH factor of 4 - 5 which means it is acidic. It is designed to protect your skin from the elements - wind, rain, sun, etc, - and, in 21st Century living, from the machinations of central heating and pollution, etc. Soap is alkaline and when you load this stuff on your face, it totally destroys the acidity of your skin, leaving it vulnerable to those horrors mentioned above. It then takes 24 hours for your skin to recover its acidic properties, by which time you will probably have washed your face again!
  2. Do market research. Clean or wash your face only with a cleanser which is designed for your skin type.
  3. Clean make-up completely. Use a soft cotton to remove the cleanser, cosmetics and other impurities from your face
  4. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Don't rub - your facial skin is not only sensitive, it tells the world whether you are healthy or not!
  5. Don't forget toning. Cleanser removes make-up and dirt but you then need to use a toner to close the pores.