Thursday, February 26, 2009

How To Fight Against Wrinkles

How you choose to treat wrinkles and other signs of aging depends on what stage of your life you're at.

When wrinkles are just beginning to appear, sunblock is the best course of action. At that stage, skin can still repair itself, and wearing sunscreen regularly will prevent further damage and help the skin regenerate itself. An alpha-hydroxy acid product is also a good idea, because it will lightly exfoliate the dulling layer of dead skin and give it a smoother, clearer look.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Common mistakes on Acne

1. Pimples won't leave scar if we 'pop' it.
Whether a pimple will leave scar or not depends on it nature. If several pimples grow side by side or on top of each other, even if you don't 'pop' it, there is a high possibility that it will leave scar.

2. People have freckles do not have pimples.
Freckles are related to skin coloration, while pimples are related to oils and pores, so they are not mutually exclusive. However most people who have freckles are those with dry skin type, that explains why they have less acne problems.

3. Blackheads will not become pimples.
Compared to whiteheads, blackheads are less likely to become pimples because they grow on the surface of the skin so the pores can 'breath". However if blackheads are squeezed before they are fully formed, then it will result in inflammation.

4. Steaming is not suitable for acne skin.
Actually steaming has cleansing effect, it will not cause any problem if the heating source is placed at a distance (10 inches from the face).

5. Acne skin type should not use moisturizer.
If we choose the right moisturizer (oil-free recommended), it can help to protect the skin, resulting in less infection. Moisturizer can also balance oil and hydration too.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Natural therapy for problematic skin

We are all used to trying out different skin care products only to tackle our skin problems - wrinkles, dryness, acne, sensitivity...Women are never satisfied right? Instead of taking the chemical approach, we can actually utilize our natural resources which are cheaper and healthier.

Aging Skin

The thickened skin texture responds very well to mild, abrasive daily cleansing with beauty grains such as finely ground corn meal, ground sun flowers or almonds. Massage gently to cleanse and exfoliate.

Dry Skin

Blend together one ounce safflower oil, one ounce avocado oil and two ounces of sesame oil. Apply to your dry skin areas.

Itchy Skin

Try a compress made with skim milk or powdered milk or soak the affected area in a colloidal bath made with oatmeal, corn- starch or baking soda.

Oily Skin

Mash together the pulp of one garden ripe tomato and enough fuller's earth (can be found in pharmacies) to make a smooth paste. Rub it onto your skin (avoid eye area) and leave it on until it dries completely. Rinse with warm water, then splash your face with cold water. Towel dry.