Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Organic Spa from Morocco

Organic skin care products do not contain chemicals thus it won’t cause allergy to any skin type. A lot of facial moisturizers use high technology to preserve its natural ingredients and at the same time maintaining its effects, therefore pricy organic skin care products still attract a lot of loyal customers.

Aveda has just released its new Green Science skin care series; its active ingredients include Moroccan congo oil, Thai ginger root oil and California cactus.

Aveda Green Science Firming Face Crème
Face crème gives hydration to the skin and also smooth wrinkles. Besides improving skin flexibility, at the same time it can strengthen our skin’s self-protection function. This bottle is made of 100% recycled PET, on one hand protecting your skin and on the other hand protecting the Earth.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Watch out for wrinkles

As we get older, our skin changes and wrinkles gradually begin to get the better of us.
beauty tips

But with a little care and attention, we can detect the wrinkle warning signs and act to minimize their effect.

Women in their twenties usually have beautiful, smooth skin and few signs of aging. However, without a good moisturising routine, fine expression lines will begin to appear around the eyes and on the forehead.

When you hit your thirties, you skin will tend to become drier and therefore more prone to wrinkles. The eye and forehead danger zones are now joined by the area around the mouth.

If you're aren't already doing so, you now need to use a dedicated night and day moisturiser to hold the lines at bay. You should also make use of moisturising face masks to give your skin an occasional boost.

With the big 4-0 comes deeper lines and the beginning of neck deterioration.

And once you move towards your fifties and beyond, the dryness intensifies, wrinkles deepen and facial muscles begin to sag.

It's obviously not something to look forward to but stick to a thorough, daily beauty regime and you will make a big difference to how your skin ages through the years.